4. Authorization

  • W2E User can authorize 3rd party application to access his/her data.
  • Authorization is based on OAuth 2.0.

4.1. Overview

  • Application redirects user to W2E authorization page.
  • User gives authorization and is redirected back to application page with ‘code’
  • Application backend exchanges ‘code’ for ‘access_token’
  • Application can make requests to W2E using ‘access_token’
Parameter Description
redirect_uri Uri the user is redirected to after authorization
code Redirect back to application page includes ‘code’
client_id ID for you application
client_secret Secret for your application
access_token Token used to access user account
refresh_token Token used to renew access_token
username User identifier

4.2. Access_token

4.2.3. Step 3 - User is directed to W2E

  • User is directed to W2E ‘authorizate_url’.

4.2.4. Step 4 - User gives authorization

  • User is shown authorization page on W2E.
  • User enters email & password and clicks ‘Allow’

4.2.5. Step 5 - Redirect back to application

  • User is redirected back to ‘redirect_uri’ with code:


4.2.6. Step 6 - Exchange ‘code’ for ‘access_token’

  • ‘Code’ is exchanged for ‘access_token’ and ‘refresh_token’
method HTTP POST
uri https://w2e.fi/oauth/access_token
header “Content-Type: application/json”
json parameter description
client_id ID for you application
client_secret Secret for your application
code Redirect back to application page includes ‘code’

Curl example:

curl -X POST https://w2e.fi/oauth/access_token -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"client_id":"XHaeSTbLr1dusWvH","client_secret":"3qCtNaUIH0x11HGjY1Kp9HrdOprT5uRFOeSMFbmqC9WQ6kWcZAzQ44lA0IyIWF6q","code":"k9NCV29HIpOCt6sa"}'

Response example:

{"access_token": "W9b4LxzjDM2YMHlQq01CNvPpSy6KPVRF", "username": "krvgklmqxonttfjx", "expires": "2015-08-26T09:22:17Z", "refresh_token": "yLeRVGbX0EhiJG4aYN7dcMR0udMb3ZWrRjILs1gGLLNArUFOptJRzmy5t90jmC7Z"}